4 Dangerous Characteristics Of Radicalised Christians


Islamic Radicalism is a growing problem.But as many Atheist Facebook commenters have pointed out to me, Christians can also be radicalised.As if on cue, David Cook, the head of the Presbyterian Church,  recently wrote:

‘I am part of the pastoral team of an 800 member Christian Church, [and] we are all being radicalised, every meeting, every week...’

Fear not: I will call ASIO ASAP, and report these radicalised Presbyterians! They're clearly a threat to society.Young man holds up a wooden crucifix cross and a red leather bible while yelling in anger. Isolated on white background.In fact, if your teenager became radicalised by the local Church youth group, they might start exhibiting these 4 dangerous characteristics:

1) Radicalised Christians Love and Forgive All People, Even Their Enemies

The radical Jesus of Nazareth said:

But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you...'

After 21-year-old Dylann Roof massacred 9 church goers at Charleston Emmanuel Church, we saw this radicalism openly displayed in the response of the family members of the massacre victims. According to The Guardian:

Relatives of the Emanuel church victims stood up one by one in the courtroom, offering forgiveness to the man accused of murdering their sons, mothers and grandfathers in cold blood. [Emphasis added]

Could you imagine what would happen to our schools, families, workplaces, and wider society if such radical forgiveness took hold?The word ‘apocalyptic’ barely begins to capture the horror of such a dystopian future.

2) Radicalised Christians Don’t Practice Sex Outside of Marriage

This is fanaticism straight out of the dark ages.I mean, without the sexual revolution that we’ve thankfully had, where would the blessing of STD’s, AIDS, and teen pregnancies be?Any dad of teenage girls would be horrified if  their daughter succumbed to such radicalism: no longer would their daughter ‘put out’ sexually to porn-addicted boyfriends, or to older blokes at parties.Could you imagine how destructive it would be for these radicalised girls to no longer base their self-worth on their looks or sexual attractiveness? 

3) Radicalised Christians Believe That The Unborn Are Not 'Clumps Of Cells', But Human Babies

If ever there was cause to take up arms against such radicalisation, this is it.As this 12-week ultrasound of my son (sorry, my bad: fetus) shows, the unborn are nothing more than clumps of undifferentiated cells.unborn babyOnly the most radicalised fanatic could see a baby in the ultrasound picture.Only a fanatic could believe that a 12-week old fetus has  eyes, ears, reflexes, liver (making bile), kidneys, and brainwaves. Only a radical could believe that a 12-week old fetus squirms if the abdomen of the pregnant woman is prodded.

4) Radicalised Christians Believe In Moral Absolutes

This is truly dangerous: if you meet someone who believes that ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ are not mere opinions or made up social conventions, but are ‘stitched into the fabric of reality’, then call the terrorism hotline, ASAP.Fortunately, most of our western secular youth/young adults aren’t affected by such radicalism: they’re quite happy to assert that there is no ultimate right/wrong, or good/evil: it’s all a matter of human opinion. And therefore behaviour like rape is not wrong.The future of our society is in good hands!

Getting Serious About Christian Radicalisation

Ok, enough satire.I’ve been poking fun at the view that Christian radicalism is as dangerous as Islamic radicalism.Sure, the teachings of Jesus really are radical in their own unique way.But let’s face it: there’s a world of difference between an Islamic radicalism that beheads enemies, and Jesus’ radicalism that forgives enemies.Why our secular intelligentsia can’t, or won't publicly admit this obvious difference simply baffles me.And so here in NSW, draconian restrictions are being placed on voluntary Christian lunchtime student groups in public schools.And even more bizarrely, Christian school students are now banned from telling their mates about Jesus.All in the name of preventing 'radicalism'.But why would anyone want to  prevent students from following in the footsteps of the Nazarene?Question: Why Do You Think There's Such A Fear Of Jesus' Teaching In Our Public Schools?     Photo: Dollarphotoclub.com


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