The Surprising Way The Sexual Revolution Hurts Women

All revolutions have unexpected consequences.

And the 'free love' sexual revolution that began in the 1960's is no exception. Yes, there are the obvious consequences: STI's, children born out of wedlock, a 'pornified culture' and so on. But there are also the unexpected - and surprising - consequences.

As it turns out, these unexpected consequences hurt women in particular. And economics - of all things! - shines the light on one such consequence:  From a Christian worldview perspective, taking sex outside of marriage will always have negative consequences. After all, sex and marriage were designed by God, for our good. And using such a gift against the Maker's instructions will always have awful consequences.

Welcome to the revolution.


Christians In A Hostile West? Interview With a Deputy Prime Minister - Part 3.


Christians In A Hostile West? Interview With A Deputy Prime Minister – Part 2